Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Boy or Girl?

Has it really been six months since I blogged?

Sorry to all my fans for my overextended absence from the blogosphere. I've been so busy eating, sleeping and having my diaper changed that I didn't have time for anything else. That's my excuse. I have no idea what Uncle Jeff's excuse is.

On days like these, when I have a minute or two between meals, naps and making sure 'da 'rents have no rest, I like to reflect back on my Halcyon days in Mommy Vanessa's womb.

At the moment I'm reminiscing about the day I learned of my gender. I was busy slumbering, gently floating in the amniotic fluid whilst basking in the flicking light cast by my iMac's screen saver when I was RUDELY AWAKENED! By some poking and prodding! Every few seconds a few inches of the womb would cave in and then bounce back in random places all around me. I steadied myself so I could hear better.

"I'm having a hard time finding your baby on the sonogram," a voice said.

"What's a sonogram," I asked.

The voice continued as if it didn't hear me.

"Let me see if I can find the baby," the voice said, followed by more poking and prodding that resulted in little pockets of the womb collapsing around me!

I was not going having any part of this. I quickly went into "hide and seek" mode, trying to find the best nook and crannies in Mommy's womb to hide from the invasive procedure!

"Your baby's really active," the voice said. "I think what it's doing is when I try getting a sonogram of it on one side of your stomach your baby moves to the other side."

"You got that right!" I said. Then I heard a familiar voice.

"Baby is an active one," Mommy said.

"Yes," Daddy agreed.

All of a sudden the prodding stopped.

"You're having a girl," the voice declared.

"A girl!" Mommy said with sheer delight in her voice.

"A girl?" Daddy said, with a tinge of disappoint in his voice.

"What's a girl?" I asked. Again no one acted as if they heard me.

Then I heard what sounded like Mommy having a hard time breathing. "Mmmm (gasp).....mmm (gasp). I'm so sorry for crying (sniffling)...I'm so happy...I've always wanted a girl."

Daddy didn't say anything. Hmmmph!

That's okay Daddy. I forgive you. Especially since I've been born and I got you wrapped around my little girly fingers! I can do no wrong in your sight! Yea for me!

Well that's all for now.


Baby Pham

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Sorry For The Wait!

It's been ages since I posted but it could not be helped.

I was in the midst of preparing dozens of posts when Mommy Vanessa had contractions 24 hours before my due date. Doesn't she know that I do everything at the last minute? I tried delaying my arrival for 22 hours, but to no avail. Before I could hit the post button on blogger I was forced out into this cold cruel world, no longer encapsulated in Mommy's warm womb.

Then, to add insult to injury, those crazy nurses and doctor threw away my iMac, amniotic-proof keyboard, and high-speed wireless adapter that came out with the placenta. I guess they thought it was just more afterbirth.

Anyhow, the next several posts will be from when I was still in utero.